Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released fr...
After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds himself trapped in a cage with four other hostages - all of them paralyzed from the neck down. Whe...
男孩托尼(乔纳森·利普尼基 Jonathan Lipnicki 饰)跟随着父母搬家来到了一座地处偏远的苏格兰小村庄里,自打在这里住下之后,托尼每天晚上都会梦见吸血鬼。这奇妙的梦境很快就引发了托尼对于吸血鬼的狂热,他借用手边一切的资料,想要找到成为吸血鬼的方法。托尼怪异的爱好让他沦为了同学们口中嘲笑的对象,老师也对这个整天神神叨叨的孩子十分的担心。 某天夜里,一只巨大的蝙蝠造访了托尼的卧室,并且在...
A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complicated relationship implode. She rents a country house to an old-fashioned widower, who struggles...
1979年,罗马梵蒂冈教廷意识到和恶魔撒旦有着莫大关系的一名女婴诞生在纽约,二十年后,距离本世纪还剩最后三天的12月28日,撒旦(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)以一名人类银行家的肉身重现人间,丧失了妻女的前任警察杰瑞克(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)和自己的安保团队受雇于伪装的魔鬼,为其提供保护。不久一名神父冒死狙杀撒旦,不幸失败,他在临死前向...