The film tells the story of 15-year-old Robin, a virtuoso piano player, and her mother Claire, who lives for her and is her biggest fan. When Robin is the victim of a serious accident, their life will...
MAYA is a mystical thriller, telling the story of the presumed relationship between Icaro and Adriana, since the moment they met until the day when she disappears and cease existing....
When Holloman Academy, a posh New England private school, is visited by a demonic headmaster, a humble janitor, who is secretly the guardian of the school, teams up with the headmaster'...
Babi discovers a betrayal by her long-term partner and decides to embark on a new adventure in life. On this journey, she meets judge Marco and they begin to live a story permeated by a lot of sexual ...
Two married couples become increasingly agitated with each other as they find out things about each other's past, while one of them is reviving disturbing packages from an unknown source...