Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The serie...
在大家纷纷质疑,将这位充满大不列颠绅士之味,疯狂又前卫的侦探搬到美国是不是合理时,CBS却宣布,已经与英国著名演员约翰·李·米勒(Jonny Lee Miller)签约,这位曾经出演了《神奇律师》(Eli Stone),并客串了Showtime热门剧集《嗜血法医》(Dexter)的英国男演员,将在《Elementary》中饰演居住在纽约城中大侦探福尔摩斯。鉴于这部剧将来自CBS,那么它的风格也许无...
Nobody in the precinct likes the new captain, Wunsch continues to humiliate Holt as he takes his new job in Public Relations, and Jake and Amy try to figure out what to do next after their kiss.(httpw...