The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Transwarped focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach...
This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. Th...
《瑞克和莫蒂 Rick and Morty》主创之一Justin Roiland为Hulu制作了动画《外星也难民 Solar Opposites》,这部由Justin Roiland及Mike McMahan合作开发的动画已被直接预订2季16集。第一季共8集。 这部动画讲述外星人家庭的主角们原本生活在更优质的世界,但现却在美国中部当难民,他们也搞不清此事究竟是好是坏。Justin Roiland...